The journey and initiation of defining an ideal customer in a spiritual business-

Any business course will typically start by asking you to define one thing: Your ideal customer.
I used to say that my ideal customer was someone who was so lost, because I was feeling so lost; I was in a perpetual state of being lost.
When I first moved into the dorms in my freshman year of college my dad bought me a little wooden sign that said, “Life isn’t about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself”. At the time I completely disagreed with it. I was constantly seeking wisdom and answers outside of myself. I kept it not because I liked it but because he gave it to me. Somehow it made it through countless living situations all the way to my current apartment where I kept it hidden behind my desk on the windowsill because I still only liked it as a gift from my dad and did not agree with the message.
When I moved here, to San Francisco, I was still lost; I was still desiring to “find” myself somehow, somewhere. I remember a reading I had where the reader said, “No matter what happens or how long you stay, San Francisco may not be your forever home, but it will always be the place that rebirthed you and set you on your path.” She could not have been more right.
Slowly, I’ve let go of the urge to seek and desire outside of myself, and now I’ve steadily begun creating myself and creating the life of my dreams through surrender, innocence, and allowing my path to unfold.
I have moved mountains by standing still long enough to catch my breath and notice the view around me. I was so busy running before; running from my past, running towards some external purpose, and ultimately running from myself.
And now, as I take in this chapter of my life in San Francisco, I am realizing more and more that I am no longer in an eternal loop of being lost. Even though the future is still a mystery-a grand unknown- and even though this city is a temporary chapter of my life, and even though I have SO much more to learn, experience, and grow through: I am HOME. I am home because I choose so. I am home within myself.
I have come to the other side, I look back through the portal beyond space and time in my mind to the girl I used to be; so scared, so lost, and so sad- and I have so much love for her. I give her a deep hug and whisper to her that it’s all going to be okay; she’ll make it through stronger than she ever thought possible.
Earlier this week I was thinking about my path and how I’ve been following my inner guidance to slowly build a foundation and create my life and I had a sudden urge to pull the little sign my dad had given me from the windowsill, dust it off, and place it in a visible space. I finally understood it…I finally agreed.
Our truth, our joy, and our purpose are not in some far off place, they are within us and are woven into the little choices we make throughout each day.
Who do you want to be?
What would it take for you to become that person?
I used to think my ideal customer was the girl who was lost-always seeking to find herself, but now I see my ideal customer is the girl who is ready to own her truth and create herself; crafting each cell and fiber of her being with love, humility, and grace.
So, if you're done being lost and are ready to reclaim your true essence then maybe, perhaps, we can

walk this path together and create the lives our ancestors dreamed of for years.
We are the pattern breakers, the cycle and lineage shakers. It’s time for us to come together and celebrate our divine uniqueness simultaneously.
I’ve searched high and low, far and wide for answers to the burning questions inside and now I only know one thing is true: NOBODY can ever tell you who you truly are but YOU.
And while I give readings, they will never tell you who you are, who to be, or what to do.
They will simply offer guidance and clarity to bring you back to you.